
People of love rise, give yourself away!! MERRY CHRISTMAS

Yeah, it was one of my favorite songs this year and it’s pimped on American Idol’s new commercials but it’s what I’m focusing on this Christmas. I’ve seen alot of, “What’d you get for Christmas?” but I’d like to know, “What’d you GIVE for Christmas?

A few weeks back Rae and I watched the movie Radio with Cuba Gooding, Jr. after we met the read Radio and Coach at a speaking engagement at one of the high schools many of my students go to. There’s a scene where Radio is given more presents than he’s probably ever seen before by the coach who’s collected them from the townspeople. He and his mother are stunned by the response and generosity of the townspeople and the next clip is the following morning where Radio is pushing his grocery cart down the street giving those gifts away to the people on his street.

Yeah it’s a movie. But wow. It hit me in the gut.

So what’d you give this Christmas?!?!

8 Responses to “People of love rise, give yourself away!! MERRY CHRISTMAS”

  1. December 27, 2007 at 11:04 am

    I gave my wife a new bed and chest of drawers. I ran over to Houston’s Ikea and back in the same day to make sure she’d be surprised 🙂
    We gave our daughter an art easel and taught her to say “art easel.”
    It was probably the most fun Christmas we’ve ever had. More on that though to come.

  2. December 27, 2007 at 11:10 am

    A Well and A Party!

    We also did a camping theme this year. We got most people some Pie Irons and made a Pie Iron Recipe book to go with it. It was pretty fun.

  3. December 27, 2007 at 11:11 am

    Oh yeah, Tanner got like 30 Star Wars characters, a carrying case, and some ships. He also got a pair of cleats for baseball.

  4. December 27, 2007 at 11:11 am

    (comment in moderation…)

  5. December 27, 2007 at 12:08 pm

    Caught it!
    Dude, that’s great stuff! I love the well idea!

  6. December 28, 2007 at 2:58 pm

    We got our drummer daughter(12) a 5 piece Ludwig off Craiglist. It looked like it had barely been played. When I come home from work she is playing her heart out.

  7. 7 scoots
    December 29, 2007 at 10:28 am

    I gave my hubby concert tix for his favorite band playing in his favorite city.

  8. December 29, 2007 at 10:47 am

    Oh come on Scoots, make us all jealous! Replace “favorite band” and “favorite city” with the real who and where!!!

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